
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Fermented Foods….Nature’s Gift of Life

Not feeling well? Dodgy tummy? Down with the flu? Sniffles coming on? Feeling moody, hormonal, unbalanced, unnatural, ungrounded, lack of energy, aches and pains….or just plain not with it? Weeelllll…..

Any of these (and perhaps all of these!) just may have a little to do with a complete and utter lack of (enough) living organisms within (your gut) and without (your skin) to see you through proper digestive processes, immune function, detox pathways and all else that needs to go on in our bodies.

So without further ado – here is some more of what I have been up to for these past few months but this time, with an added dimension. I wasn’t satisfied to just have the usual fermented foods….I wanted something with a twist LOL.

A few weeks ago I placed some veggies into one of my trusty demi-johns (it has a wide mouth – perfect to work with vegetables and fruits) along with some of my goat’s whey and water to see what I would get.

To be honest it was a pure experiment in taste. For years I have not really been all that ‘gone’ on some of the fermented foods, (I really love some things, but dislike the taste of others) so I really just wanted something that tasted, well, nice enough to eat.

The vegetables I used were beetroot, carrot, courgette, red onion, garlic and dulse seaweed….these were all grated and then placed in the glass jar along with ¾ cup of goat’s yogurt whey, a little sea salt and water.

That’s it.

I left them covered (sealed with the cap for the demi-john) for more then 2 weeks or so – but I tasted them every couple of days to see how they were progressing. And with each taste, they changed a little bit more – until the day arrived when I was happy with the taste.

Then I scooped them out and placed them into jars for the fridge. Right now the vegetable mix tastes sort of fresh, a tiny bit salty, a little sour/tangy/vinegary and lovely! I hope to have a couple of tablespoons on my plate each day with my meals.

My digestion feels better already! LOL

Fermented vegetables - ready for the fridge

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Chocolate Fudge Brownies.....With Homemade Semi-Sweet Chocolate

These are an easy recipe to make - I like anything that is versatile - especially when you want to use other flours such as spelt. If using all whole grain spelt, remember to adjust the liquid content (use less) but this is also nice to mix and match. Use some spelt to give them more of a dense nutty texture familiar in a brownie...

I also make my own semi-sweet chocolate....for inclusion in a recipe it's often better then the factory made variety - besides you can control the ingredients completely with no preservatives etc. And, there is that continued satisfaction of making your own whenever possible. 

Chocolate Fudge Brownies
1 ¾ cups flour (I use 1/3 spelt)
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
2/3 cup chopped nuts (almonds, cashews)
125g butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
½ cup sour cream or yogurt

Semi Sweet Chocolate
6 tablespoons cocoa powder
6 tablespoons powdered sugar 
1 ½ to 2 tablespoons vegetable shortening (start with less)

3 tablespoons cocoa powder
¾ cup powdered sugar 
1 cup cream cheese

Preheat oven to 170C. Butter and flour a square baking tin or a shallow brownie pan. You can also line the sides with parchment paper to ensure ease of removal.

In a mixing bowl, sift together dry ingredients (except sugar) add ½ chopped or coarsely ground nuts. In the meantime, in a saucepan, over hot water, make the semi sweet chocolate in a heat-proof bowl.  Add all ingredients starting with the vegetable shortening first. Stir constantly to remove any lumps making sure all the sugar is blended in.

Allow chocolate to cool a little then add in sugar (from the cake section), lightly beaten eggs and sour cream or yogurt – beating until mixture is well combined – it will be thick and smooth. 

Add chocolate mixture to dry flour ingredients – using a wooden spoon stir gently until combined but do not over stir. Spoon evenly over the bottom of buttered baking tin – bake in oven 32-37 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin.

For the topping, place all ingredients into a bowl, using a fork, mash until well combined. It will soften and become spreadable after a few minutes. Using a knife, spread thickly and evenly over top of cooled cake then sprinkle topping with remaining chopped nuts. Cut into squares and serve….Lovely! 

A very chocolaty treat! 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

April's Energy Balls....Healthy Coconut Treats

These days it really is all about energy - we seem to be running on empty, even when we are full or feeling drained, although we do so much to stop the leaks. Of course a huge amount of our energy (all of it?) must come from our food, and when we are eating things made from machines - well, let's just say that warm and fuzzy feeling is missing.

If you would like to try a dairy free, sugar free, wheat free - yummy treat, try these little energy balls. I have a more involved recipe listed below, but really, it you have a food processor, just use a handful of almonds, a few dates and figs and make a paste. Then roll into balls and sprinkle on some coconut.

It couldn't be easier to treat yourself....and lets face it - you deserve the best (say it often and believe it).

April’s Energy Balls

2-3 cups of chopped dates, figs or apricots and other dried fruit
¾ cup of crushed almonds, cashew or walnuts
2-3 tablespoons of sugar free strawberry jam
Maple Syrup (about 1-2 tablespoons)
Dessicated Coconut (1 cup)
½ to ¾ cup Tahini or Almond Butter

This recipe can be made differently each time you make it according to the ingredients that you have on hand. Also, the measurements can not be exact as sometimes the dates, figs and apricots may be a little drier and will therefore need more of the ‘wet’ ingredients to hold them together.

I chop all dates, figs and apricots by hand as fine as possible and combine in a large bowl (if you have a food processor, use this). Next I put in the nuts, jam and maple syrup. Mix all of these together loosely by mixing lightly, then add the tahini or almond butter slowly- seeing how much you will need to make the dry ingredients stick together.

Tahini works best for this recipe because it is not sweet and does not make Coconut balls overly sweet, and also because it is less thick then the almond butter. However, I have made it with both and it has worked out well. Even try a combination to give a nice nutty taste too.

Once all those ingredients are mixed in, see if you can squeeze a small teaspoon full into a ball- if this is done easily then do not add any thing else. If it is too wet, add more dates and if too dry add more jam and/or tahini.

Now that you can make little balls with this, roll them onto a plate covered with the coconut until each one is coated entirely. Then place onto a separate pan or serving dish.

These look very nice, are a balanced, healthy snack and are quite tasty with a cup of dandelion coffee. I serve them with seasonal fruit such as fresh strawberries or orange sections on a platter for nibbles at the end of a meal or at any party. Enjoy!

Or drop by my market stall in Bantry or Skibbereen to have a treat....can't wait to see you,

A bowl of Energy Balls.....yumm! 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

A Seasonal Favourite.....Cinnamon Swirl Cake

I was delighted to have my recipe for this cake featured in last weeks Southern Star newspaper in Nora Strong's column... it was also lovely to meet Nora and show her a little about our life here and all we are trying to do. 

So, for those of you who are not living locally here in West Cork here is another one of our favourite recipes for winter (and nearly anytime of the year! LOL) - we love Cinnamon Cake around here. It's a great warmer, tastes lovely and has anti-inflammatory properties that are supposed to be great for balancing blood sugar.

And, this recipe is so easy.....especially once you make it a couple of times and memorize it. Then, you can adapt it to nearly anything such as carrot cake (omit the cinnamon and brown sugar) add in 1/2 cup grated carrot and some spices such as cloves and allspice....Hmmm...that sounds nice too!

Nothing like a little piece of cake on a rainy afternoon along with a cup of dandelion coffee.....and to make it extra special, I make my own Bourbon vanilla extract which adds a lovely element to any baking. As well as my own eggs, our goat's milk and fresh yogurt. With all of this goodness, this cake can't be beat. 

Make your own at home and drop by my market stall for a slice.....

April Danann's Cinnamon Swirl Cake

3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder (or a little more)
pinch salt
1 cup milk plus 3 tablespoons if needed
2 – 3 tablespoons yogurt
3 eggs
½ cup melted butter
1 tsp homemade vanilla extract if you have it

1 cup butter (soft, not melted)
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons flour

½ cup powdered sugar
1 - 2 teaspoons goat's milk

To make the cake sift the dry ingredients together in a deep mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs together with milk, vanilla and yogurt. Add the wet ingredients to the dry flour mixture, mix well. Add the extra 3 tablespoons milk if batter too thick.

In the meantime, melt the butter over low heat – cool a little, then slowly add to the cake batter folding over until well blended. Scrape into a square, greased or lined baking tin (deep is better) until evenly spread over the bottom.

To make the cinnamon swirl place all ingredients into a bowl or small pot and mix well until it is thick and creamy looking. Spoon this carefully over top of the cake batter starting from each corner, working your way in – then using a knife, pull the cinnamon mixture throughout the batter.

Bake at 180C for about 30 to 35 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean at the centre of the cake. Let cool in tin. Before serving, mix together powdered sugar and milk into a thin icing and spoon overtop.

Cut into squares….enjoy with a herbal coffee!

Cinnamon Swirl Cake - available in my market stall Bantry & Skibbereen