
Sunday 16 September 2012

Organising the Kitchen and a New Twist on Rice

Well today was a busy one with getting some gardening done before the weather changes to rain as well as back into the kitchen more doing what I love to do! Now on day 7 of my Master Cleanse and already looking ahead at what comes after. 

Of course, we are all just looking forward to a cup of dandelion coffee first and foremost, however, I am not really craving anything as much as I am looking forward to cooking full meals again. I really do enjoy everything about cooking, the kitchen and all that takes place in there.

Today, since early this morning I have been busy reorganizing the kitchen so it flows better and things are more accessible. You know how we all just sort of allow gadgets to find a space somewhere, and even when it is inconvenient we stick with it because that's where it is.

These last few days I have been looking around at the layout, flow and the fact of my left handedness, to find easier ways of preparing our foods. I have also gathered a lot of different equipment of the years some of which would not be used if it is tucked away.

I spent part of this morning (during the rain) moving things around, cleaning out and putting some things away or creating a space for them. Once this was done, I felt a lot better about the flow of the kitchen - now to get used to new places for everything!

Then I decided to make a quick lunch for the little one and thought of a rice dish I would refer to as Tunisia rice. It has a slightly different take on the traditional way of cooking rice, but is a favourite around here.

To make this rice dish, first chop some veggies you have on hand - a few which can be easily stir fried such as onion, leek, green beans, garlic, grated carrot and so on. Then stir fry them lightly in olive oil in the pot you would cook your rice in.

Some stir fry veggies in the pot 
Once they are nearly done (translucent and tender), add in some spices such as pinch of salt, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric and dash of pepper. Stir this around in the stir fry, add a few drops of water if too dry and in danger of burning.

Stir fry vegetables with spices added in 
Then add in 4 or 5 chopped dried apricots, figs or dates. Or all three. Keep stirring around until well coated and mixed with each other. Next pour in 2 cups of water and bring this mixture to a boil. In the meantime, wash your 1 cup of brown basmati rice. Once the water is boiling, pour in the rice.

Rice mixture with water - starting to boil
Turn this down to low heat setting and allow to cook fully. It will take a little longer because of all the veggies and fruit in there. The smell is fantastic and this is a lovely dish to serve on its own or on the side of fish, meat, or as I did today, mixed with lentils. We love this at Solstice/Christmas time as well


Have a healthy day,


Tunisia Rice! Yumm!

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