
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Plastic Free Kitchen

By now, most of you probably know how I feel about plastic, this lifeless substance should never be around our food. For me, this is one of the main reasons I don't like processed foods - they are as dead as the packaging they're in. 

These plastics have to be the most lifeless products on the planet. They are completely devoid of any energy of their own and act to disrupt body function with oestrogen like hormone substances such as  bisphenol A. Heating plastic and using it in cooking or anywhere near food is a huge energy drain. Not only is this material toxic, giving off noxious chemicals, this plastic is also a hormone mimic. In a physical and energetic way, it is possible for plasticides ingested in your food, to be taken up into your tissues and then dock onto the cellular receptors for oestrogen and other hormones. 

I think this may be happening to a great extent as plastic is already being linked to weight gain, hormonal cancers, diabetes, heart disease, infertility and all manner of endocrine disruption and I feel to mold and yeast overgrowth.

As above, so below. If it is outside of you, in your house or yard, it is equally inside of you, everything is a mirror. Your home mirrors your inner environment, if it is filled with plastics, then so are you. 

Look around you, start with your kitchen; is all of your food stored in plastic jars? Are the majority of your appliances plastic? Read the labels on your clothing, does it say 100% Cotton or pure Wool or are the words things you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce? What sort of toys are filling your children’s rooms? 

I clued in to the extent of this problem, when I saw my children as well as others walking around with bits of plastic toys in their mouths- the plastic was almost like it was magnetic- it migrates to the mouth (a mirror for reproductive tissue as this is HORMONAL tissue) and the children are showing us the problem.

Get rid of plastic toys, they look cheap and tatty after a short while anyway. Replace them every chance you get with wooden, metal and natural fabric items.

These rooms in your house are all areas of extremely low energy if they are filled with plastic and its relatives. None of this- plastic, petrol chemicals, synthetic fibers and so on, have any benefit for our bodies. These are foreign, toxic, invasive, chemical compounds unrecognizable by any tissue or cell in the human form. In other words, they end up hanging around and accumulating because your body has a hard time getting rid of them. 

Our systems cannot process these molecules as food, or a nutrient, so they get stored in tissues within the body. The important thing to remember is that these are not inert particles harmlessly occupying space in our cells, they interact, radiate stolen energy and affect us in ways that we are still trying to figure out.

A few years ago, I spent a weekend clearing out all the old packaging while I replaced everything with paper, glass, ceramic and wooden containers. This took awhile - for some time our food was in paper or bowls with a lid.

Gradually I gathered a number of jars of all sorts and sizes and now my kitchen is an organized area virtually plastic free. What is nice about this is how it feels, sort of old fashioned, but very alive!

Have a healthy day,


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