
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Stuffed Onions - So Tasty!!

I am a big fan of onions, actually anything from the allium family (leeks, garlic, chives, onions, shallots etc.) I really enjoy and would probably used every single day. Since starting this quest to remove processed foods from my families diet, I have broadened my palate somewhat...

These past few days I have had in my mind to make some stuffed onions. I haven't eaten them before or even really heard of them, until once again I came across a mention of this as a side dish with a larger dinner. Of course I don't even remember what they were stuff with, so I decided to wing it and make up my own recipe. Again!

Today I got 5 medium sized onions, but will remember to look for those super large ones for this next time I want to make this dish. And then proceeded to figure out how to scoop out the inside. Basically I just cut the ends off, then cut into the centre with a knife until I could push some rings through.

Onion cups 
Once that started to happen, I was able to get them separated into onion 'cups' and ended up with about 7 large enough to use. In the meantime I had cooked some basmati rice to use for the stuffing and then got a few vegetables together.

The scooped out onions I chopped up with garlic, leek, and grated carrot and put into a pan to stir fry in a little oil. Then in another bowl I mixed a block of feta cheese with about 1/2 cup of walnut pesto I had leftover from Sunday's cooking.   

I arranged the onion cups on an oven dish on which I had put some olive oil. Then I mixed about a cup and half of the rice with 1 cup of stir fry vegetables and all of the feta mixture. I saved some of the feta for sprinkling over top of the onions.

Stuffed Onions ready for the oven 
I spooned this mixture into each onion cup mashing it down a little until each was overflowing - then covered each one in the extra feta cheese. They went into the oven for about 45 minutes or so until they were tender.

Once they were cool enough to eat we all had a taste - it was out of this world! And this is probably my new favourite dish so far. I will definitely add this to my list of must have for Solstice and other big celebrations. 

Very tasty and decadent dish. I loved it!

Have a healthy day,


Cooked Stuffed Onions - Yumm! 

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