
Saturday 13 October 2012

Detox -- Have a Plan

To detox means something very specific, it is the removal process of years of built up toxins, grime and chemical residues from the tissues and organs of the body. This is not a quick fix, nor is it something to be entered into lightly- yet this is the most important health choice you will probably ever make.

Your body has been inundated with poisons from every place imaginable, and non worse then the very food you are eating – while believing that it is nourishing you; body, mind and soul. This is no longer the case as the foods we are eating, what has been made available on the supermarket shelves are no longer clean, wholesome or handled with care.

All together this has left our bodies in a sorry state and this is just from the food! The other aspects of eating the way we have been encouraged to eat, is that we are making very wrong choices for our spiritual and conscious selves. There is no way that you can follow a nutritionally depleted diet and expect to grow and develop in any spiritual manner. 

Healing and detoxing also takes time- usually a lot of time as your bodies tissues when fed properly will only release discreet amounts of toxins that are easily broken down and handled by the organs involved. By detoxing as you eat and taking your time with it, your liver and kidneys are not stressed and burdened further and your body is repaired and rebuilt at the same time.

The quick fixes and 10 day food/supplement detoxes on the market are pretty much a scam- your body cannot possibly detox in such a short space of time. Nor is this a safe way to approach health and healing. 

During the first few months eating, fasting or making lifestyle changes, energy will be spent on healing, replenishing, absorbing and stabilizing body tissues- only after this is done will the body start to detox and then one component at a time; again as your body is ready and the conditions are right.

If all you want to do is heal your health condition and reclaim your life- this is still the way to do it. By following a balanced and healthy lifestyle regimen you will recondition your body and uplift your spirit- whatever your intention. Once toxins are safely removed from your plate the work begins in earnest and changes will take place.

To detox and cleanse was my early intention- then as my own body healed itself of cancer, arthritis and inflammation, I watched so many things shift in my daily life because of the way that I was eating- I no longer considered it a cleanse- it is a way of life. One that has continued to unfold more deeply into myself and lead me into a greater awareness of what it means to move to higher ground.

Whatever your plan and no matter what your state of health, this is the way for you and your family- heal your body, mind and soul and change the things that are no longer working in your life. 


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