
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Health - A front row seat to the Universe

One of the things I hardly ever mention here is the fact that I had cancer a few years ago and it was my wake up call. For everything really. Although my diet was not terrible, and I have always exercised in some manner, there was still a lot of room for improvement.

Of course I am not one to do things half way - so I changed every aspect of my life and have stuck with it.  Besides, I really wanted to be here to raise my family and I wanted them to know how to stay healthy too. 

That is why when I meet people who seemingly do everything they can to destroy their health or at least they are giving it their best shot, I am baffled at the amount of resistance to positive change. They smoke, drink too much, eat rubbish foods, sit around too long - and one day wake up - very unhealthy.

However, some of them wonder why! It is obvious to many their diets need to change, some thought should be given to lifestyle and that down the road health will suffer if you don't start making changes right now. For others, this is not so straight forward - perhaps they feel they will live forever and have years left before they need to make some fundamental changes.

When I look back now at my life and how much I have changed -- how my body has come full circle to be in far better health then I have ever known, I realize that this time is not wasted. 

Instead of spending years hoping something health related doesn't crop up or worse - I have spent years having the time of my life getting to know my body for the first time. Exploring, learning and listening to all that it is capable of.

My only medicine are herbs, my water must be pristine from the ground, my food organic, local (as much as possible) and not processed in any way. Of course I exercise, spend time outside and in every way examine my life for more ways I can do this better.

In return, I have excellent health - an immune system that works and a body I listen to. But there is something more than only this -- I have a connection, I am drawn into and shown my bodies wonders -- as if a front row seat to the Universe.

Our bodies are very forgiving places - however we must make the time and put in the effort to reap the rewards of fully living for as long as we are here. This is something we are all able to do - you only have to want it bad enough.


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