
Saturday 8 December 2012

Festive Cooking... Smoked Fish & Haricot Salad

Yesterday I spent the day experimenting with some holiday dishes that I hope to make during our festive season. I love smoked fish at this time of the year and thought about making some interesting dishes with it.

What I like about smoked fish in particular is that it's so versatile - you can add it to nearly anything and create a lovely new dish each time. Or have it on it's own on a cracker or some bread...simple or dressed up, it is a tasty addition to any meal.

Using some smoked tuna (one of my favourites) I decided to make a warm winter salad with it. Usually this goes with a cold salad, but it was being served to children and it's a cold time of the year. So, warm salad it was....

I soaked some haricot beans overnight and then cooked them in seaweed until soft but not mushy. These were then drained off and let stand for a while. In the meantime I chopped the vegetables; leeks, grated carrots, shallots, garlic, fresh parsley and sautéd them in a little olive oil until soft.

Once the vegetables were done, I added a small amount of ground cumin and pepper to the mixture (but not salt because the smoked fish is salty) and then tossed this together with the beans and seaweed. Already it was looking very tasty.

Next I warmed up the tuna in a skillet with a little oil and then broke it up into smaller pieces. These I placed on top of the bean mixture and served with fresh Rosemary Sea salt bread and butter....

It got rave reviews from my tough taste testers, so I was very pleased with it. You can also make this using fresh salad ingredients such as lettuce, spinach, finely chopped onion and olives. It's a great way to get the goodness of the beans along with the rich flavour of the smoked tuna.


Smoked Tuna & Haricot Salad 

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