
Sunday 16 December 2012

Organisation Takes the Stress out of the Season..

I am usually an organized person - I remember well the days I was completing my Master's, working at home, homeschooling my son and then the arrival of a new baby. Those days taught me a lot about lists, piles, not procrastinating and doing what you say you are going to do.

So, I have learned to do what I want, make the most of where I am and what I have as well as keep the energy moving forward by taking action when possible. That usually means doing what I need to do to have the lifestyle I want to have - living off the food grid. 

However that is only one aspect of what this time of the year puts on our plates - the main things I see when I am out and about in the shops are the immense, grotesque, obscene piles of rubbish that people like you and me are expected to buy.

And eat by the bucket load over the holidays. Then to make matters worse - studies and reports are released this week stating how far more people become diseased or die from overeating (obesity and related problems) as opposed to being under fed.

Naturally. So what's a person to do about all of this confusion and mixed messages surrounding food? What I have personally found over the years is to rely on my organizational skills and prepare for the season like nothing else.

That way, the only temptation is what I have on hand - ready made sweets, treats, goodies, delicious foods to eat and enjoy as much as I want without any thought of anything other then organic (as much as possible) wholesome goodness and great taste.

All of this can be accomplished without sugar, preservatives, additives, colours, dyes, artificial anything or any other kind of drug. You can have the food you want without any guilt or worry about damaging your body in any way.

You can do this by spending a few hours cooking and baking with the carefully planned ingredients you have bought to make your holiday a real food zone. Think of the amount of time and energy you will save yourself when you no longer stress over this one aspect of the Solstice/Christmas season.

What freedom!


Wild Rice, sweet potato & figs.... 

1 comment:

  1. You can make $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
