
Tuesday 25 December 2012

Reflections of the Season...

This is my favourite time of the year - with the preparation, cooking, baking and eating just being part of the overall picture. For me it's always a time to reflect back on the 12 months gone and see how far I've come down this road.

I would like to think that many people are right now enjoying the results of positive changes they have made to their diets and lifestyles during 2012. It really is now or never - there has never before been such a time as this on the earth.

This present moment has a down side in that we have never been so inundated with toxins, chemicals and pollutants in our water and food. We are ingesting these poisons at an alarming rate - overwhelming our livers and detoxification processes.

At the same time, the other side of this is that we have never known quite so much or been as enlightened about food, health, well-being and the mind/body connection between our diets and our emotional, spiritual and physical health.

These last few days of late December 2012 are a great time to look back on the year that was. What changes have we made and how much further we can go towards creating not only abundant health and vitality but also a better life.

Without a healthy body, mind and spirit, you are not living or doing much of anything worth while. And the only way through that door is with water and food - the time for denial is over.


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