
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Table Centre Piece - Do It Yourself!

Today I was out and about with the children and realized that I had not given much thought to our table decorations this year...not that we do much to make it fancy - with young children you kind of get out of those habits and never seem to get back into them!

But, as I was walking around and thinking this over my mind was already going into one has to be homemade what ever it is. Perhaps as an extension of our homemade unprocessed lifestyle there is no way I can go out and buy something 'pretty' for the Solstice table. 

I have to make it myself. 

Over these past few days we have been busy making our yearly decorations for the house and a few for the tree. The children love this part of the holidays and ever since the year I decided to have an 'edible' Christmas tree, we have been making most of our ornaments.

But, I would always get flowers, or something arranged for the table (years ago before the kids!) and tell myself that I was not very good at making up arrangements myself. Not this year - I am perfectly able to make something wonderful for the table and that is exactly what I am working on right now.

Actually my fingers are sore at the moment from poking cloves into oranges while the house smells so nice from all the fragrance. We usually make these oranges and put them in corners for the smell, but this year I am thinking of giving them a more prominent position.

Of course there are loads of ideas now floating around in my head of things I could do with the dinner table and other areas to make them look festive - my main ground rules are that everything has to be natural, non toxic and not really breakable if it hits the floor.

Should be simple, right? I will keep you posted....


Lemurs at Fota - keeping warm!

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