
Friday 1 February 2013

Haricot Bean Salad with Stir-fry veg

During my fast I often crave certain things, most often they are single fruits or vegetables. However this time I had my heart and mind set on having some bean salad as soon as I was finished and had time to prepare it...

I even had the beans soaking on the last day of my cleanse - I was so adamant I was having something yummy with beans in it. Usually I am not a bean person - I like them (in other things) but could never say that I would crave them.

What I do like about beans is their versatility - you can use them in nearly anything to make a dish tasty, thicker and full of an earthy flavour. Even right now as I am writing this, I have had a couple of servings of bean salad and now have a Venison Cassoulet warming on the wood stove (also full of beans!).

So, there must be something in the beans I need right now....

For my bean salad I soaked 1 cup of haricots overnight, but other beans would do just as well such as flageolet or cannellini. These were cooked in lots of sea weed (dillisk) until they were soft and then put aside.

Next I sauted some vegetables - grated carrot, shallots, onion, leek and garlic in olive oil and water until they were a little overdone to give them more of a fragrance. I then added 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and about the same in grated lemon rind while the vegetables were still hot.

After seasoning with salt and pepper, I spooned the cooked beans into the vegetable mixture which was let sit for about half an hour to marinate. A little more olive oil was added just before serving....

It was perfect!


Bean salad.... 

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