
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Living Consciously - Higher States of Awareness

One of the things I wanted to mention more of on here, would be based on the theme of Conscious Living (this is the only name I can think of to describe it). Which then begs the question - what exactly is Conscious Living....

So - here is my take on it, right now, from where I am at this point in time. 

Conscious Living to me would entail being fully and completely aware of all aspects of your life. Of course, the most basic and most important of these would be our food and water. The events of late should have people wondering about where their food is coming from and what they can do to improve the situation.

When we are aware of our lives - we tend to take a greater part in it - sort of like actually living. 

Think about the way we are being encouraged to live right now - we have lost out in so many aspects of living in this new century, we don't even have a rudimentary role in most of the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the jobs we do and the thoughts that go through our heads.

We don't communicate with each other, we don't play, we are rapidly losing skills, abilities and general knowledge on how to care for ourselves. For instance, we are not healing our bodies - but encouraged to treat symptoms.

Instead, we have been told to place 'trust' (faith, hope) in others to do each of these things for us. As if this other person (group, business, committee, agency) might have our best interests first and foremost on their agendas. 

When these things (aspects of living in an aware manner) are taken away from us - a form of powerlessness results. Along with powerlessness comes a deadening of the consciousness - when we feel we cannot change something, after a while we give up.

And giving up is not an this has to change. It all starts with you.


Food & Herbs - all the medicine we need

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