
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Cheap Food & Getting Cheaper....

With the recent horse sh**, sorry, I mean horse meat, found in the prepackaged, prepared, highly processed, ready meals for sale at rock bottom prices in so many of these Big Supermarkets – is anyone really surprised?

Well, for one thing – you cannot possibly buy, cook, prepare and serve any wholesome, nutritious meal for that little money. Unless you are skimping on something or other….

Now, at least, we all know what was being skimped on. Or do we? Will there be yet more revelations about these dishes (or fodder, I can’t resist) where perhaps we find out sawdust was used instead of flour or that additives have been added to the already chemical flavourings (read; toxic)….

We all know that cheaper is not better – and when it comes to the food we eat, this holds truer than anything. Unfortunately, the more squeezed people become, the worse their diets seem to get.

When our spirits hit rock bottom – so too does the food we eat. We crave sweets, rubbish and make numerous poor food choices – perhaps to match our moods. But also because we have so little left over to buy anything better.

So, where does the ‘better’ food end up? Who on earth is not skimping on their meals, is still able to feed themselves organic, quality, high end nutritious meals without a thought given to cost?

Hmmmmm…..I’ll let you ponder and answer that question.

I am one who believes where there is a will, there is a way, of course there is. If you want to eat better, knowing that this better food will make you feel better, lift you up, improve your mood and generally keep body and soul together during even the toughest times – grow, raise and prepare your own food.

I have long said to anyone who will listen – do not under any circumstances eat the food (prepared rubbish) or drink the poison water. It is part of the problem and just might be the main way we are kept down .


Doing what I love to do - cook!

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