
Sunday 24 March 2013

Healthy Gut Bacteria - It Should be Alive In There

I have been talking about this topic for a very long time – my own body has been working away at being ‘alive’ for sometime with a lot of help from my intuition as I learn more along the way.

To be alive means something very significant these days – there are so many out there who want to believe they are living their lives and their guts are healthy, stable and living places, because they take a probiotic or some lab produced organisms.

Life doesn’t come in a pill. Nor is it made in a lab, with resulting quality and life sustaining properties. It is difficult enough these days to encourage it, nurture it and then to maintain life on any level.

Mainly because there are so many factors working against us all, everywhere we turn an entire society has the parameters of death well organized;

Chlorine in the water
Sterile food from the shops
Poor quality soil
Anti bacterial soaps
Over washing
Highly processed food from sanitized factories
Antibiotic use
Disconnection from environment
Imbalance in bacteria
Use of fermented foods when gut is not balanced

The list goes on. And so do the general gut problems of nearly everyone in the Western world because our lives are being flushed, washed, sterilized and medicated away.

For me, it has become a mantra – I want my life back. But, what I am talking about is on the inside, I want my gut alive with healthy colonies of bacteria, working with me to digest my food and keep my immune system up and running.

However, if there is no life in here, there is equally not much life out there – perhaps there are not many of us living our potential because of some of these reasons. Imagine all we could be doing if we had our lives back on the inside as well as in the outer world….

Over the years, I have been giving each of these areas mentioned above careful thought. And working down such a list in my mind to eliminate, change or alter each area as it has been identified.

For example – if you are in a position to have some ducks or geese, you can have your own eggs (they don’t need to be sterilized, and you eat them fresh). You are in control of your food when you grow your own, cook your own and raise your own.

That way it doesn’t have to be sterile. But – there is also something more going on here too. What’s with all this sterile food? Sterile water…..then amazement over so many problems related to antibiotic use.

I don’t know what we have been thinking – if you don’t feed the good bacteria in your gut they will die. And we cannot live without life – very much longer.


Our goat with her 3 kids


  1. thanks for share, healthy gut Bacteria they're a digestive system best friend. They are essential to digestion and keeping our bodies in Optimal Health.. Shifts in the microbial environment of the digestive tract, or bacteria in the gut, are worthy of more attention. stress, poor diet and even antibiotics, can deplete the good bacteria in your intestines and cause a host of uncomfortable problems, from irregularity to sickness. A number of strategies can help you easily get those Healthy gut Bacteria back in action.

  2. Hi Jessica!

    Thank you kindly for your comment....absolutely good health is all about healthy gut bacteria. I have been on the trail for many years regaining my gut and growing a little army of my own LOL

    Fermented foods are a great source of healthy bacteria (and other organisms) once some detoxing has taken place...

    Thank you kindly for your comment, stop by again!

