
Thursday 14 March 2013

Spicy Dahl with Vegetables

I had a need to cook something yesterday – I have been slacking off on cooking this week as I had some meals prepared for those who are eating while the rest of us are doing this cleanse.

When I am thinking something over, I always like to cook, bake or be in the kitchen in some way – just to create. In the end I decided to make a sort of dahl dish for my daughter…

Of course there is no real recipe that I follow for this meal – I just sort of add things together until I get the result I am looking for. And with any dahl, it is so easy to make – and tasty too!

I started with a few vegetables – onion, leek, garlic – and stir-fried these in olive oil until well done and fragrant in the sauce pan. Then I added about 1 cup of soaked red lentils and some water and let all of this come to a low boil.

In the meantime I chopped a few carrots, a large sweet potato and a little seaweed and placed them into the pot. Next it was time for some seasonings…so I just put in whatever I could find.

Turmeric, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, salt and pepper – all went into the stew as it bubbled away until there was a nice dahl like smell filling the kitchen. Of course this type of dish cooks fairly quickly – so nearing the end of cooking I added a dollop of butter and another large tablespoon of coconut butter.

After about ½ hour this was nicely thickened and ready to sit for awhile – which is when I added a little sprinkle of chopped parsley before I blended it a tiny bit just to make it a little more like a dahl.

Once it was cool some chopped garlic chives were tossed over the top – and it smelled lovely – great with some of that olive bread I had ready with very garlicky guacamole. 


Spicy Dahl with Vegetables

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