
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Homemade Shampoo – Lavender & Nettle

For years I have made my own shampoo – however I haven’t really thought to talk about it on this blog because, well, it’s a foodie focus and I didn't really put shampoo into the same category. Then this week as I was making up a fresh batch for us to use, it occurred to me as I poured nettle into the mix, shampoo IS also a foodie thing.

Sort of.

By now I hope you can see (I have certainly changed my mind about a few points when it comes to food!) how pretty well everything can be made at home, it’s generally better then something bought in a shop and for far less money.

Of course, my first comment on this is to also mention – you can also make it your own way. And that to me is always the greatest satisfaction. I love it when I can put my own spin, taste or scents into something.

It’s kind of a signature thing - just like your own energy field. 

Shampoo for me is no different and such a simple item to make at home. It really is just a few ingredients – blend them together and give it a shake when ever you want to use it (no binders or preservatives to make it all neat and uniform).

Yet, that is precisely what I love about it – life is not neat and tidy nor should it be uniform. And your own shampoo should not contain toxins which sit on your head soaking into your skin (brain?) all day long.

So – I make my own. To do this I grate down castile soap into flakes while heating pure spring water in the kettle. Then I pour boiling water over top of the flakes to melt them.

Next I decide what kind of shampoo I would like and I prepare the extract from some herbs such as nettle and lavender this time around. But I also like rose, chamomile, mint and rosemary as well.

These extracts go into the mixture which is by now in a ceramic bowl and I then add a few drops of pure oil or herbal essence from a plant. To make this shampoo today, I put in a few drops of lavender oil along with the nettle infusion.

I let the mixture cool down, pour it into a bottle and then give it a good shake. It makes a low suds lather and leaves your hair feeling refreshed and nice. But you know what is even better?

You feel great because there is not one thing going into your skin or energy field that is toxic or harmful in any way.


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