
Sunday 21 April 2013

Universal Song - Vibrational Symphony of Herbs

I am loving this extended spring season at the moment (yes, only at the moment!) because it is finally warm enough to get outside into the garden and also the spring harvest keeps on giving up it’s bounty (yumm!).

Today was a garden day, here that means it didn’t rain much – I spent most of it outside on my hands and knees in the dirt (where I am at my best, I might add) weeding, organizing and sorting the herbs for this year.

Not that I have much of any say in it – but I like to pretend I am in control out there. I have long thought they have nightly meetings once I am inside – discussing where and how to grow amongst themselves.

Herbs really do have a mind of their own! And I am thankful for that too – this concept is key to how I approach and work with herbs for my Energy Medicine. They not only heal and uplift our bodies, the powerful affect on our minds is not to be taken lightly.

Our mind is a key element to our well-being, we want this part of our beings to be in direct alignment with all we set out to accomplish. No matter what those goals, desires or dreams might be.

Once ALL of us is on-board (mind, body and soul), there is nothing stopping us from moving things along. A carefully chosen herb or two, either fresh from the garden as food or steeped into a nourishing tea (or herbal coffee) works on those subtle levels of energy and spirit to gently raise our earthly vibrations.

I recently saw an article that caught my eye – 5 Top Ways to Raise Your Vibration or something like that….I was intrigued and gave it a quick read. Sadly, it was in a very well known publication – but the writer did not in the least understand what they were talking about.

They never even mentioned herbs and food was given a quick brush over.

The only way to raise your vibration (cellular frequency) upwards towards higher conscious awareness, is to begin with your body tissues. Our physical self is where it all starts…Change your diet, detox, eat properly, exercise, remove chemical toxins, use the herbal medicine of our planet and drink clean water.

Listen to the herbs…they will sing to you – their vibration is like the symphony of the Universe – and the song is for you.


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