
Monday 17 June 2013

Healing Candida - Get Your Life Back in Your Gut

Over these past few weeks I have been fasting off and on – but on my food days I am eating a lot of fresh greens and produce from my garden.  It has been more then 2 months now since I decided to eat mostly wild harvested vegetables….

And for the most part we have succeeded in doing just that. Actually, last week I got a few vegetables for our upcoming Summer Solstice celebrations and this was the first sweet potato I have bought in months.

I then spent the weekend preparing some foods ahead of time for later this week – I have goat meat marinating in a lemon/thyme/brine sauce and have made the mustards, sweet breads and some cheese.

This week I want to finish up with everything so I can just sit back and enjoy my day when it comes. Hopefully we will get a bit of that sunshine back as well- we sure need it after all this rain!

One thing I wanted to mention here is how much my diet has changed over these past nearly 3 months since I did the mother of all cleanses (30 days on water and herbal teas). I knew then, when we finished it that something big had shifted and it has…

Since that time I am eating a wider range of foods including many things I haven’t had in well over a decade and longer. Because I had ‘candida’ or some type of IBS – my gut had become overly sensitized to nearly everything.

For those of you who have been through this over a long period of time….we make changes to our diets, cutting out certain foods and then entire food groups….but in the long term – the gut doesn’t heal.

It just becomes more sensitive to the new diet changes – and then we need to change it again. It was a never ending cycle for me and I wanted off. So what I did, as many of you know is start incorporating fasting into my lifestyle….

And the rest is now history. Over these past 3 years I have taken my gut back to zero and hit some sort of a reset button. The 'candida' (and all that went along with it) is no longer an issue – I am feeling better and digesting my food properly, I am drawn to new foods and have expanded my diet considerably.

I am eating many of the things I never thought I would eat again – mushrooms, cows cheese (organic), wheat and rye flours, yeasted breads (wild fermentation), muscadavo cane sugar, apple cider…..

It’s as if my mind, body and soul have released the ‘fear’ along with the toxins – cleared out the old lining of my gut (that clearly did not work, like, ever!), some of the old nasty bacteria, viruses and candida died off – and I started over.

It has been quite a journey….but, I feel I am only now starting to really discover what it means to live. Perhaps because for the first time I have ‘life’ deep inside of my gut – and I know it wasn’t there before!

I am living proof you can overcome candida, IBS, chronic fatigue, cancer - healing, shifting and taking your life back....and all without drugs, supplements, treatments - just clean water and real food for me please!

Gosling with extra security!!

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