
Monday 1 July 2013

This Much I Know.....Food, Health and Healing

No, thanks, I can’t eat/drink/use that very natural good for you food – it might interfere with my medication….I thought I had heard it all…but to steer clear from ‘health’ because your medication is far more important is really interesting – well, it is for me anyway….and I will tell you why.

Many years ago – I was on a path that was taking me nowhere. I had a fairly good diet, lived close to nature, raised my own food as much as possible….used some herbal medicines…but I kept fooling myself that it was enough.

I could use the ‘medical system’ when it suited me, dabble in herbal medicine and otherwise remain healthy as I was. Boy was I wrong! I found out there is nothing healthy about taking any kind of drug – in fact, it interferes with and causes far more issues then it ever solves.

I spent years thinking I could take the best from both worlds. Well, duh! You can’t take the best from both worlds when there isn’t a ‘best’ in one of them. Chemicals, synthetic substances and drugs are not ‘medicine’ – they don’t cure or restore health.

The only mask the symptoms, push down and otherwise interfere with any healing our bodies are trying to do. And this is a dangerous game to be playing as well…removing symptoms is like asking your body to stop talking.

So that you can stop listening…..

It’s quite a situation to be in actually – there is nothing normal, natural or healthy about using any kind of chemical, drug or synthetic hormone. We will only end up with far more problems then we started with.

Only food, water, exercise, stress reduction and creating a healthy environment can achieve any kind of thorough, lasting, deep healing of the body, mind and soul. Ask me how I know….


Our Muscovy drake...

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