
Friday 24 January 2014

A Manufactured Mess…..

It is high time that we stop and think about everything that we choose to put in our mouth, on our skin and into our minds while considering the fact, that we are over fed and under nourished eating ‘food’ that is all part of a BIG LIE. 

Why is it that we are overweight, sick and tired, diseased, stressed out and under functioning in a world with an abundance of every kind of ‘food’? How is it possible that we are being ‘fed’ a lie about what we should be eating, how much, when and why but for the most part, we can’t see it?

If you can understand that there are hidden agendas, Big Gov, Big Seed, Big Pharma and ‘world order’ propaganda machines are out there actively encouraging you to believe what they are telling you about health, illness, vaccines, and have general media control, then it is not too much of a stretch to apply this same truth to the food industry. 

The agriculture and food sectors, and more precisely what they sell us, manipulate consumers through a means of dependence on the cheap, lifeless and nutritionally depleted products they push. Like all else we have been blind sided by false food claims, a belief that this food is all we can afford in a recession (and in general), that it forms part of a balanced diet and besides it follows a food pyramid guide developed by ‘government nutritional experts’.

There you have the outline of a ticking time bomb, and it lives in us.

I am hoping that with the waking up of large segments of the population - post  Swine Flu ‘panic-demic’, banking disaster and mass migration, there are more and more who are asking the questions and doing their own research. This action and public reaction can continue and will now carry over onto the biggest source of the problems- the food we are eating.

When we follow the typical western diet that is considered so ‘normal, fairly healthy and affordable’, we are playing a dangerous game of Russian Roulette with our health. The spin from these big corporations would have us believe that everyone should get up in the morning to eat cereal from a box, drink a litre of caffeinated beverages, eat high fat ‘healthy’ muffins for snacks and prepare quick meals in minutes at the end of the day with vegetables and plant based items ‘on the side’ of chemically laced meat. 

In fact if it comes from a box or a package, it is clean, sanitized and therefore, 'all right', we can just read the label and ‘know’ what we are eating.

Then, because we are overweight following their regimen and eating their ‘food’, we start a diet after Christmas in the New Year, join a gym and in general, stay in this endless game. The only problem is that we do this consistently, year in, year out, make half hearted attempts at ‘eating healthy’ with limited success and then it is back to the old ingrained habits. 

We are hooked on the high fat, high sugar, high salt, drugged up and low nutrient value over processed products that have our health, bodies, self esteem, moods and all else, in a manufactured mess.

There is no one to blame but us for the ‘shape’ we are in, our will power is weak, we have ‘food issues’, emotional eating, and poor lifestyle habits- well maybe we do, BUT this behaviour is endorsed and contributed to by the manufacturers of this food. 

Next time you go to your supermarket do a visual check of the aisles- how many are devoted to processed packaged foods, prepared ready meals, sweets, cakes and spilling out into high traffic areas, junk food of every conception?

We are programmed to think that meals take minutes to prepare, the less time spent in the kitchen the better, that most of the meal comes from a box, or a package or better yet, a takeaway. We eat the same foods from week to week with different sauces. Thus now we have taste buds that are too shut down to discern all the subtle flavours of the additives, colourants, preservatives, and other chemical ‘enhancers’ that have been consigned to our food.

The food is a joke, you can’t process something to death and then breathe life back into it with a sprinkle of vitamins and minerals, once it is dead- that is it. And believe me, your highly intelligent body that has recognition capabilities for hundreds of thousands of compounds, knows the difference. This false economy (where the jokers are gone wild) is not only the reality outside of you it is the reality within, set up and orchestrated by Big Food. Big Seed and Big Agriculture (have I left anything out?).

The fallacy is the food, it is not nutrition and should not even be called food, white bread toast offers nothing, hyper-caffeinated coffee maxes out your adrenal function, half the fruit and vegetables are poisoned from mass production in depleted soils and a continuous rota of spraying chemicals, and deep fried crisps are NOT a food group. 

We are being ‘drugged’ and sickened by the food we ingest.

You are what you eat, and feel and think and do- the key here is that what you EAT has a profound influence over what you feel and think and do.

These scientists who are studying food, making the announcements and the recommendations on the world dietary requirements are bought and paid for by those that stand to gain from you buying their products. Big Gov doesn’t want you to live too long and be a drain on the old age pension scheme, Big Pharma plans to have you for a few years in the drug cartel, and Big Food, well they just want you to eat your way to your allotted three score and ten and then its bye-bye.

We are being lied to by the very same makers of the Swine Flu Hoax, they who control the media, push the drugs, own the economy and the banks, also control your food. And what is worse, they have manipulated what you think you know about the food you eat, you are being duped into believing that certain foods are healthy and nutritious when they certainly do not make you feel good or nourished in a warm and fuzzy way.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Now is the time, to take stock of your entire life starting with your diet. There is absolutely no need to fear anything (or take any medication etc.) when you are healthy and taking care of your essential resource – your health.

Prime your immune function and be ready for life, eat in the right way (ask me how!) exercise, fast and detox regularly to stay healthy. You deserve better.


1 comment:

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