
Friday 4 January 2013

Make Up Your Own Mind, BUT.....

I have been keeping a bit of an eye on the articles that come out this time of year - you know the ones - 'how to lose 10 pounds by next week' or 'how to detox completely by cutting back on wine 2 nights a week' or the old standards 'Don't detox, don't exercise, take this pill'....

So, you may have already guessed what I think and feel about some of this total load of rubbish being sent around the internet. There is one new one these last couple of years though, which completely dismisses water fasting as a form of detox.

And that one sends me into a bit of a rant...LOL

Yesterday I was reading a not very insightful article written by someone who talked with 2 dietitians to gather information for their report. Of course, one recommendation for a New Years detox was to cut back on alcohol to only drinking 5 nights a week (I am so not kidding) - leaving me wondering if she was thinking how low were her expectations of the people reading the post.

The other piece of sage advice was to keep things in moderation - but to include everything. Right. Well, I can tell you from a lot of personal experience that is how most people set themselves up to fail in the first place.

I don't know many people who can eat one square of chocolate or one cookie or one crisp - walk away and not hear the bag calling their name for the rest of the day.... And, what about the fact that this is the problem - these 'foods' and their poisonous ingredients (sugar, caffeine, alcohol) are addictive?

Of course, then there is the dismissal of fasting and using water to cleanse your body. Imagine! How could anyone do such a thing - what on earth does water have to do with cleaning, clearing and removing the built up debris from the inside of our cells?

Just because it is the universal solvent, has a somewhat neutral pH and we use it to clean everything else, doesn't mean anything....Perhaps you can tell, these so-called experts have never done a detox, altered their diets and at least one of them is an alcoholic....

Nuff said

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