
Thursday 21 March 2013

Gut Health - Restored After A Parasite Cleanse

I am back to cooking, baking and eating – Yayyy!! And we are all just sitting around like fools grinning at each other – the food, everything, tastes so very good – but after even half a meal I am stuffed, so it’s slow going right now.

Today I have been going back over in my mind the types and tastes of foods I most missed during my cleanse (am I the only one who does this?LOL) And checking down my mental list for some that I wanted to try out…..

With this in mind I actually made a yeasted bread. Can you imagine!!! I have not eaten yeasted bread in nearly a decade – and made any in longer than that. At one time in my life I would have made this type of bread every week.

Then everything fell apart with my health, my gut and my life (well, sort of) and there was a long stretch of no bread at all. Then about 3 years ago we brought back in some spelt soda bread – and have enjoyed every bite I would add.

But, things have so obviously changed as a result of me doing these detoxes and cleanses and my gut is a completely different place now. I knew I was ready for something quite different and my body told me it was time to break out a little....

And that something was homemade yeasted bread. I did choose a whole meal organic flour and of course mixed it with a little spelt – but not much. Then worked away with some organic yeast and made a lovely loaf of fresh bread.

It was that easy and not a problem at all for any of us…just pure enjoyment. However, I would not recommend it to anyone who has taken any form of antibiotic or has issues with candida in their guts. Until you have these issues sorted out and your gut is functional then, keep it restricted. 

It has taken me so long to overcome these issues – I only recently felt like my body was balanced in terms of healthy bacteria colonies after all the fasting, cleanses and detoxes. But I have achieved my goal!

Another food I was craving was fennel – only not the way I usually have it (in soups and stews) but some sliced and gently stir-fried with other vegetables (onion, leek, garlic, broccoli) in a little oil and very little else.

I seasoned it lightly with salt, pepper and fresh dill and then tossed with basmati rice….heaven!


Home made Yeasted Whole Meal/Spelt Bread 

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