
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Repairing the Body's Nutritional Status

This week and perhaps for the next month or so (yikes!) I plan on re-nourishing myself – like never before. After doing this last cleanse to remove parasites I can see how much they were affecting me and  ultimately depleting my system.

Right now I feel as if I have no reserves left – and have been wondering if indeed I ever did have any in the first place (LOL) – or if this was a clever illusion. I knew I certainly have adrenal exhaustion and perhaps this is all part of the picture of never feeling exactly right.

However, I have eaten so well for many years – organic, homemade, home grown/raised, free from sugar, caffeine, alcohol, additives – yet it took this work I have just done to pare it all back to basics and show me my exact nutritional status.

Taking out a part of that equation such as parasites – has revealed the extent of being run down (and how much these nasty creatures were taking from me) but now allows me the chance to build myself back up to healthy levels of energy.

Of course this is to be done with food and water….and I am busy now thinking of things I would like to fill my body with to restore my internal nutritional status. Right now I am craving meat and have been for a few weeks.

I could eat a horse (I know where to get some real cheap! LOL) but other things will do just as well. I actually feel as if I am starting over in some way. But it’s just that I now have the opportunity to feed my body the types of foods I would have liked to have been fed as a child.

It wasn’t all bad food for me growing up – I did eat lots of wild game and fish, however, there were enough of the other foods on hand that I would never feed to my own children such as hot dogs, sausages, packaged meals (mac and cheese) and horrible milk.

Now, I can choose all the lovely, fresh foods such as – well everything really, to put into my body. Much of which we are raising ourselves and is organic, gently treated and loved.

I am off to a good start here and am really looking forward to my meals….


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