
Friday 8 March 2013

The Way Forward in Health is Better Food

Today I am preparing a few dishes for our Easter celebration – and other family events we have coming up soon after I finish my parasite cleanse. It keeps me busy as well as helps to exercise my creative side.

Of course one cannot help but be creative when all the food we eat is made from basics – homegrown and fresh. I am conscious of a couple of things here with eating this way – I want to keep our food interesting, but I also want to enjoy it’s other qualities.

I have been having some great conversations of late with friends and colleagues regarding our spiritual connection to food and exactly what this has come to mean to me over the years of following these sacred paths.

It seems there are far more elements and dimensions to our food when we produce as much as we can our selves (it doesn’t go through a factory to have it’s life force systematically removed). And certainly when we prepare it with our own hands – these energies become a part of our bodies.

Eating this way should and does enhance our relationship with food, health and family relationships – and also with ourselves. Our spirituality is not separate from the earth – she delivers it to us – on a silver platter as it turns out.

We cannot expect to grow, develop and reconnect on the deeper layers of our inner beings when our diets consist of food many times removed from the earth and her energy.

Life force, once depleted will not be breathed back into something that is long dead – no matter how much we bless it. And it does a body no good whatsoever.

Learning to prepare a few dishes from scratch, expecting more and better from your food for your body, this is the only way forward - in health.


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