
Monday 11 March 2013

Two Geese A Laying - Quiche....

After taking a little break from cooking over the weekend – due to being so busy with other things- today I was back in the kitchen with some rather large goose eggs to use up.

Right now with the spring coming on into full swing (you would never know it today however with the snow flurries) our geese are laying an egg each day. And we love it!

They are such wonderful large specimens of life and especially great for baking, cooking or eating as they are. Because the rest of us are doing our parasite cleanse, I wanted to make something with the eggs that could be kept and frozen.

Funnily enough – unless we have our own eggs, we don’t often eat that many of them, so quiche or egg pie is not something I would make very much of. But today I decided to give it a go.

Of course then I had to carefully consider how to go about it and whether I would make one in layers of mix everything together. I also wanted a pie with a crust, but not something heavy or doughy.

In the end I made an oatmeal based butter and coconut crust – baked it on it’s own for a few minutes and then poured in the filling. For the filling – I used up a few things I had on hand...

To start with I had a huge bag of pok choy, some kale and spinach – this was gently steamed down to greens and then blended while I stir fried some onion, leek, garlic and celery in a little olive oil.

Next I chopped some Welsh onion stems, garlic chives and other green shoots from the garden and placed these fresh into the steamed greens along with fresh coriander.

By now it was starting to smell very fragrant! Then I just added these together – the greens, the stir-fry, some feta cheese and left over olives were sliced and stirred into the mixture with salt, pepper and thyme.

I placed this mixture into each tin with the cooked pie crusts – and then poured well beaten goose eggs over top of each pie. After nearly 30 minutes in the oven, they were done – and got a thumbs up from my taste testers!

Can't wait to taste these myself....

Quiche with goose eggs

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