
Monday 13 May 2013

Feeling Stuck? Fasting to get moving again....

The best way to get things moving in your life – body, mind and spirit – is to get them moving in your body. Of course one of the most efficient ways to do that is to fast….

Just ask me, I have done so many over the years and it really works.

One of the questions I get asked a lot is – what exactly is a fast and what do I eat/drink/take/do while I am fasting? You would think the answer to that is quite simple – and it is in a way.

However…it all depends on what kind of a fast you want to do and that depends on what you would like to accomplish during your time spent detoxing and cleansing.

In one way, they all accomplish the same or similar thing…a fast of any sort will move you to new ground. And for me, the most important thing about movement is to also find myself on higher ground.

Right now I am fasting…I will do a few days on only water and some herbal teas (which is basically water with nature thrown in). But, in the past I have done juice fasts, Master Cleanses, herbal tea fasts, liquid only fasts, ….you name it, I have done it.

I guess I have progressed over the years to wanting something really simple and clear when I am fasting. So, for me – water is it. Can’t get any clearer, simpler or easier then that.

The purpose of my fasting is to clear out the debris – to continue the process of unblocking, unlocking and restructuring my energy field. Which in turn transforms my body, mind and ultimately my life.

If you haven’t yet done a fast…start out slowly – try 12 hours on herbal teas, water or light juices (homemade of course!). I guarantee you will feel better, more in control, grounded and almost certainly less stuck or blocked.

Go ahead, start a fast today and see where it takes you.


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