
Sunday 5 May 2013

Wild Harvest - Wild Nutrition

I am in the middle of my holiday weekend – foraging for all our vegetables and I have noticed something quite interesting already….I just wanted to write this down as I am feeling/going through it (if you know what I mean!).

Some of you might be able to relate to this – or perhaps even all of you, so here goes…you know how after you eat a meal (even a big, satisfying one) and then you just want something sweet to go along with that?

Sometimes that need to have something sweet to top things off, so to speak, can drive you crazy – it did me. And it wasn’t necessarily something big…just a date or a fig (I have long since given up sugar and chocolate) but the ‘need’ to have it was there.

Well…I have noticed this before, but thought it was merely a coincidence but now I am certain it is not; When I eat a meal with lots of wild harvested vegetables such as today…the cravings for something sweet vanish.

It was a few hours later after my breakfast, of our own goose eggs, our own cheese, with our own milk, wild harvested nettle, dandelion and wild garlic – all made into a lovely omlette – that I realized I craved nothing….

For hours and hours afterwards I felt pleasantly ‘satisfied’ is the only word I can use here. And it was a marked difference to how I normally feel after eating any meal. Actually I did not even think about food for a few hours (and that in itself is strange for me!).

Of course, I have been mulling this over in my mind to see what my intuition would say about it and relate how I am feeling to my body, my digestion and the food I have been eating. There are quite a few interesting threads to follow here and I plan on looking at them all. But in the meantime....

This might have something to do with the amount of nutrients (would be very high) contained in the wild harvested vegetables….perhaps throughout the many generations of cultivation we have not done ourselves any favours with regards to retaining the plants as nature intended….

It has certainly given me food for thought and my weekend is not over yet! LOL

To keep some of the spring wild garlic for longer periods of time...I gathered about 500g of wild garlic, washed and chopped it into a food processor. Then added in about 500ml olive oil and 1 tablespoon sea salt. This was blended for a few minutes to mix thoroughly and then poured into sterilized Kilner jars.

I topped up each jar with a layer of oil and am hoping to use it over the coming months for just about everything! LOL


Wild Garlic in olive oil - ready for the winter months...

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